Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Making a Ball Jointed Doll

And let's see how I will do this :S

First I pick a not so good kind of foam (its too soft) although it was easy to remove from the clay.
I'm working with a mix f LADoll and Premier Air dry clay... you can see in the pictures

My doll is small around 12 in tall, so I can't really do the hole inner body in foam, so for the arms and legs I used some brass tube.

And no more talk... but pictures :)


  1. Muy buena idea de Noemí, es mucho mejor y mas limpio que usar el poliestireno; Buena suerte en tu empresa. Abrazos

  2. Noemi,
    Wonderful job! I like it a lot and I can't wait to see her all finished up. She'll be fantastic. :-)


  3. Esta genial la idea de utilizar el foam. Yo he utilizado papel de aluminio, pero creo que en la próxima estaré usando el foam, me parece mucho mas práctico. Te esta quedando excelente!!!
